Magic Monday Again!

I have that Bangle’s song “Just another manic Monday” running through my head only I’m singing it as Magic Monday.  Today I seemed to notice that lots of people are moving house, have moved or are just about to so I thought I’d tell you about the onion spell.

You know sometimes when you move into a place and it doesn’t feel right; almost like the house itself is out of sorts, well this is a cure for that.  It’s very simple and easy and you don’t require a huge amount of expensive occult paraphenalia; just an onion, a knife and a chopping board.  Take the onion and cut it in half and then in half again so that you have four pieces of roughly the same size then put the pieces either in the four corners of the room you want to clear or the four corners of your house.  The idea is that the onion will absorb all the past negativity of your house/room.  After five days to a week you can either bury the now shrivelled onion bits in your garden or just throw them out with the rest of your rubbish and your living space will be cleansed and more positive!  How easy was that?!

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