2013; Here I Come!

Ultimate Blog Challenge

To start off 2013 I have signed up for the Ultimate Blog Challenge.  The idea is to blog everyday for the month of January and it kick starts your blog into a new year.

Goals:  to try and stop fretting and worrying less and live more in the present.  This is an ongoing project.  I think I made a bit of progress last year but definitely not enough.

To read more, or at least to read some of the books I’ve been madly buying up and not getting around to reading yet.

I’m planning, rather ambitiously, to write four books this year!  Sounds horrendous I know, but they’re only going to be short books, of a maximum of about forty pages each.  I’m doing one on numerology now (that’s the occult power of numbers), and I have two short books about astrology planned as well.

Then the fourth book is going to be a collaberation with my lovely husband, who loathes all forms of publicity so I won’t mention his name.  He used to be a film journalist for a German film magazine and he interviewed amongst others, Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee and Terence Fisher.  He self published a book himself years ago called The Films of Peter Cushing and I’ve been nagging him for ages to self publish it on Amazon.

He says its too short but then he told me he still had other interviews tucked away with various other Hammer Horror people, so I said that I could type up the interviews and collate it all for him and then I could publish it on Amazon for him under both our names and eventually he has agreed.  All he has to do is remember where he put all these interviews.  You know what it’s like when you put things somewhere safe!

I’m also doing background work on another novel; I’m not sure if I will actually start writing it this year, I might leave it until November and use it for NaNoWriMo, I haven’t decided yet.  I’m doing character sheets and fine tuning the plot at the moment.

Well I think that’s enough for now.  Let me know what you lot are up to because I’m nosy like that!

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